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manual:Search_Strings [2016/06/21 23:37]
manual:Search_Strings [2025/01/21 22:51] (current)
peternlewis typo
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Search Strings ====== ====== Search Strings ======
-When searching for macroseither ​in the Search field in the [[Windows#​Macro_Editor_Window|Macro Editor ​window]] or as part of a Smart Group, Keyboard Maestro looks for any macro or action that matches all the fields you specify.  ​Each word is searched for separately (and in any order) unless you quote a phrase.+Search Strings are filters which, in addition to the text you type, can include qualifiers that may be applied to searches for Macros and Actions ​in
 +  - The [[Windows#​Macro_Editor_Window|Keyboard Maestro ​Editor]] ​search field. 
 +  - A Smart Group. 
 +  - A [[action:​Trigger_Macro_by_Name|Trigger Macro by Name]] action.
-As well as plain text, you can specify ​some special patterns:+Keyboard Maestro will search for the text you typeand all of the below qualifiers that you specify, for matches in your list of macros. ​  Each word is searched for separately (and in any order) unless you quote a phrase.
-| all: | match everything (this is useful since the empty search string matches nothing) | +In the editor, ​matching ​actions and triggers will be highlighted with blue stripes:
-| group: | match any macro within the named macro group (eg group:"​Global Macro Group"​) | +
-| global: | match any macro within any macro group that is globally active (aka universal:) | +
-| application | match any macro within any macro group that is specific to (or excluded from) the specified application (eg application:​Finder) | +
-| enabled: | match any macro that is enabled (not necessarily active) | +
-| disabled: | match any macro that is disabled | +
-| trigger | match any macro within any macro group that has a trigger ​matching ​the specified string (eg trigger:​typed) | +
-| hotkey | match any macro within any macro group that has a hot key trigger matching the specified string (eg hotkey:​⌘⌤C) | +
-| name | match any macro within any macro group that has a name matching the specified string (eg name:Activate) |+
-The options can generally be shorted to their shortest unique name Eg:+{{ search-matched-action.png?​nolink&​596x165 | Search Matched Action }}
-g:"Global Macro Group+Note that the [[action:​Trigger_Macro_by_Name|Trigger Macro by Name]] action only searches among active macros. 
-gl: + 
-* a:Xcode +**Search Qualifiers:​** 
-e: + 
-d:+The qualifier can generally be shorted to its shortest unique name, as shown in the _Short Form_ column. 
 +^ Qualifier ^ Short form ^ Definition ^ Example ^ 
 +| all: | al: | Match everything | `all:`\\ (Otherwise the empty search string matches nothing) | 
 +| word: | w: | Match that must be at a word boundary \\ (Use quotes if Word contains spaces) | `word:amp` \\ (Matches “Turn on amp” and not “example”) | 
 +| group: | gr: | Match any macro within the named macro group\\ ​ (Use quotes if Name contains spaces) | `group:"Forum Examples"` | 
 +| name: | n: | Match any macro that has a name matching the specified string | `n:PDF` | 
 +| global: | gl: | Match any macro within any macro group that is globally active | `global:​`\\ ​ (aka universal:) | 
 +| application | app: | Match any macro that is specific to (or excluded from) the specified application | `app:Finder` | 
 +| enabled: | e: | Match any macro that is enabled | `e:`\\ (not necessarily active) | 
 +| deprecated: | dep: | Match anything that uses deprecated features | `dep:` | 
 +| trigger: | t: | Match any macro that has a trigger matching the specified string | `t:=sig=`\\ (Typed String of “=sig=”) | 
 +| action: | act: | Match an action with the specified action ID | `action:​1234`\\ (Action ID of “1234”) | 
 +| hotkey: | h: | Match any macro with specified HotKey\\ Match any macro with any HotKey if no HotKey is specified.\\ Modifier Keys must be one of these: `⌃⌥⇧⌘` | `h:​⌘⌃C`\\ (CMD CTRL C)\\  \\ `h:​`\\ ​ (Matches any HotKey) | 
 +| created: | cre: | Match any macro that was created less that the specified time ago | `cre:1w` | 
 +| modified: | mod: | Match any macro that was modified less that the specified time ago | `mod:1d` | 
 +| used: | use: | Match any macro that was used less that the specified time ago | `use:1m` | 
 +| size: | siz: | Match any macro that has a storage size more than the specified size | `size:​10000` | 
 +| note: | not: | Match any action that contains the text in a Note | `note:​custom` | 
 +For the created:, modified:, used:, the parameter is a number followed by a letter (s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, ​for days, or w for weeks). 
 +You can use a negative sign (-) to negate any match (for example, "-name:PDF").
manual/Search_Strings.1466566640.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/21 23:37 by peternlewis