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Custom HTML Prompt Action

The Custom HTML Prompt action allows you to display an entirely customized window to gather or display information in any way desired (v7.0+).

This is quite an advanced action, and requires designing the window in HTML (including CSS and JavaScript), so its not as simple as most actions in Keyboard Maestro. To get started, see these examples:

  1. The Custom HTML Prompt Example macro from the Keyboard Maestro Macro Library

How To Use

  1. Create a standard HTML page with a form that uses Keyboard Maestro Variables in the Form Field Name attribute
    • If the Variable contains spaces, you must replace them with underscores (_) in the HTML code
  2. If you want default values in the form, set these Variables in a Set Variable to Text Action
  3. Execute the Custom HTML Prompt Action
    • The HTML code can be in a file, or as text in the Action
  4. When the User clicks on the OK button, the Keyboard Maestro Variables will be updated
  5. Use these Variables in any other Actions you need

You design the HTML form using standard HTML code, which can be stored in either a file or as text in the Action. You can, of course, use any Web/HTML editor you like. If you'd like some suggestions, see the Web/HTML Editors section at the bottom of this page for editors that others have found useful.

HTML Window Design

You can define the size and position of the window using any of the following attributes to the HTML body element:

HTML Body Attribute Definition/Use
data-kmwindow May be either:
a size (width, height)
a rectangle (left, top, width, height)
data-kmwidth width
data-kmheight height
data-kmleft position of left side
data-kmtop position of top

For example:

<body data-kmwindow="SCREEN(Main,Left,20%),SCREEN(Main,Top,20%),420,560">

You will probably also need to specify the body width in the body CSS in order to ensure proper HTML display:

body {width: 420px;}

Alternatively you can implement the JavaScript function KMWindow() which returns either a window size (width,height) or window rectangle (left,top,width,height) as a string. Keyboard Maestro will evaluate any calculations you include.

Using Keyboard Maestro Variables in the HTML Form

Keyboard Maestro ensures sync between Keyboard Maestro Variables and the HTML form field values. The HTML name attribute is used to identify the Keyboard Maestro Variable. For example, Web Name is the Keyboard Maestro Variable shown below in the HTML <input> tag. You must replace spaces in the Keyboard Maestro Variable name with underscores when used on the HTML form.

⚠️ Be aware that you cannot use a Keyboard Maestro Variable which itself contains an “_” , because Keyboard Maestro will replace the “_” in the HTML name attribute with a space before it tries to sync with the Keyboard Maestro Variable.

Here is an example:

<div class="row">
   <label class="col1">Name:</label> 
   <span class="col2">
      <input name="Web_Name" class="input" type="text" id="name" autofocus />

When the HTML prompt/form is initialized, Keyboard Maestro will set all of the HTML form fields to the value of the Keyboard Maestro Variable prior to display. If the user closes the prompt/form by clicking the OK button or otherwise submitting the form, then the data on the form is saved back to the corresponding Keyboard Maestro Variable. If the user clicks Cancel, or presses the ESC key, or otherwise not submitting the form, the prompt/form is closed without saving any data.

⚠️ Be aware that as of version 7.0.3, the Keyboard Maestro Variable HTML Result Button is NOT changed when presses the ESC key.

The Keyboard Maestro VariableHTML Result Button” is set to the parameter in the Submit() function. For example:

<button name="OK" type="button" 

Excluding Set and/or Saving of Form Fields

You can add one of these HTML attributes to the Form Field:

Attribute Action
data-ignoreinit avoid having the field set initially
data-ignoresubmit avoid saving form field back to the Keyboard Maestro Variable
data-ignore avoid setting and saving the form field

Using JavaScript

You may use any JavaScript that you normally could in an HTML page.
Keyboard Maestro provides the following built-in JavaScript functions:

Function Called
KMInit() to initialize fields or other features
KMWindow() to return the desired size or frame of the window as a string
KMWillShowWindow() when the window will be shown

From within the window, you can call the following functions:

Function Purpose
window.KeyboardMaestro.Submit( buttonName ) submit the form and write the Keyboard Maestro Variables
window.KeyboardMaestro.Cancel( buttonName ) close the window, do not write the Keyboard Maestro Variables
window.KeyboardMaestro.ResizeWindow( “1,2,3,4” ) resize the window to the specified size or frame as a string with commas (“width,height” or “left,top,width,height”)
window.KeyboardMaestro.GetVariable( 'KMVariableName' ) returns the value of a variable
window.KeyboardMaestro.SetVariable( 'KMVariableName', 'value' ) sets the value of a variable
window.KeyboardMaestro.ProcessTokens( '%ShortDate%' ) returns the text token expansion
window.KeyboardMaestro.Calculate( '10 + 32' ) returns the result of the calculation

Debugging JavaScript in the Form

Please see this forum post:
How to Enable JavaScript Console for KM Custom HTML Prompt

⚠️ Warning: as of version 7.0.3, using SetVariable to set a value to something other than a string can corrupt the variable.

⚠️ Be aware that the system will not allow Keyboard Maestro Engine to see keys typed in its own windows so the Typed String triggers will not work within Keyboard Maestro Engine windows.


  1. None

See Also



Web/HTML Editors

There are a wide variety of Web/HTML editors available. You may use any editor you prefer, as long as it will produce HTML code that you can use in the Keyboard Maestro Custom HTML Prompt. These range from very simple, plain-text editors, to very sophisticated web content editors. Below are a few editors that Keyboard Maestro users have found useful. These are presented in no particular order.

  • TextWrangler – a free, but powerful, plain text editor that has syntax support for HTML. Also includes a powerful RegEx (Grep) find and replace tool.
  • BlueGriffon – a free, but powerful, WYSIWYG content editor powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox. It has very powerful and easy-to-use table design/layout/editing, and WYSIWYG setting of CSS and form element properties. It also has direct HTML code editing.
  • FIXME Wiki editors: please add HTML editors you have found that work well.
action/Custom_HTML_Prompt.1459801321.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/04 16:22 by AlainLifchitz