Execute Shortcut
The Execute Shortcut (v10.1+) action executes a specified macOS Shortcut (macOS 12.0+).
The Shortcut can optionally receive text input from the System or a Named Clipboard,
the Trigger Clipboard, a Variable, Text, Calculation or a File.
The results can be:
Displayed in a floating window.
Displayed briefly in a Notification.
Displayed large across the screen.
Typed in to the current selection.
Pasted in to the current selection.
Saved to a variable.
Appended to a variable (v9.0+).
Saved to the system or a Named Clipboard.
Saved to a file (v11.0+).
Asynchronously ignored — the action runs while the macro continues on.
If the output is going to a clipboard or a file, the results can be an image. (v11.0+)
See Also